Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Arts Explorer #10: Community Arts Project

The final project for the year was to bring awareness to a cause related to diversity and social justice. Myself and my group members decided to feature the Alma Children's Education Foundation. They are a Toronto based charity that is Toronto based but work to change the lives of those living in Latin America. Alma works towards improving the early childhood education programs in Latin America. They are a strictly volunteer based program and their projects don't exceed $10,000. They believe in working with communities to recognize and collaboratively decide what areas need improvement. Alma Children's Education Foundation also helps to contribute to the community by building on and working with local entrepreneur programs.
Photos retrieved from:
Our big idea is to raise awareness of the Alma Children's Education Foundation through a local contest. It would be a video contest directed to film students from university and colleges in the GTA. Their task is to make a digital video that displays what Alma is, what they do, and how other people can become involved. We plan to advertise the contest with flyers posted in the schools. The winners video will then be played on Breakfast Television. In order for our vision to come alive we need help from Alan Harman, the founder of Alma, Breakfast Television and t.o.night newspaper where we would also advertise the contest.
What we really like about the Alma Children’s Education Foundation is the accomplishments that they have made and the means of which they have done so. Their work has really shown us what can be accomplished through volunteering and little money. Alma has been able to improve the lifestyle of many children and families in Peru with less than $10,000 per project. It showed us that you don’t always need bountiful amounts of money to make a large difference in the lives of others, especially if you’re extremely passionate and supportive of it. We are also supportive of the foundation for their focus on early childhood education. They recognize the importance of childhood education and the benefits it has to children’s growth and development. As students in the ECE program we appreciate their recognition and attempts in trying to provide children with the best support and education as possible. Here is a link to the Alma Children's Education Foundation where you can find out more about their work and how you can help


Definition of the week: Mass and Volume
Schirrmacher and Fox (2009) define mass and volume as:
  • "appropriate criteria for critiquing three-dimensional art, which has height, length, and width" (p. 142)
Mass and volume can be displayed in many ways such as open or closed, hard or soft, geometric or organic, solid, heavy, delicate, etc. (Schirmacher & Fox, 2009).

Schirrmacher, R., & Fox, J.E. (2009). Art and creative development for young children, sixth edition. Belmont, CA: Delmar

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