Sunday, January 16, 2011

Arts Explorer #1: My Creative Inspiration

 Photos retrieved from

So today is the beginning of my first blog. It's starting off as part of an assignment for one of my classes but we'll see where it goes from there. It is for a creative arts course and so the focus of the blog will be on art, creativity and how it relates to early childhood education.

My first entry will start with what is Creativity? Creativity can be seen as being creative with the objects or materials surrounding a person. Whether it be painting a picture, taking a picture, knitting a scarf or fixing the piece of furniture that's falling apart, it in some way involves being creative. It can involve creating something entirely new or revamping the objects you already have. I think that creativity involves having the ability to look at everyday things in a different way. It can be used as a technique for expressing the ideas that someone has or communicating feelings. The interesting thing about creativity is that every person has the ability to captivate and display it. I think that the expression of creativity is most prevalent in the younger children. They are experimenting and discovering the use of different skills and materials while forming their art but also their learning.

In my family I definitely see each one of us as having the ability to be creative. My mom uses her knitting talents to make us some warm, and stylish, hat scarves and gloves. My dad is creative with his ability to recreate or fix things for the better, Whenever something breaks or needs a repair we always know to visit him first. Then there is my sister who was the child that received the art gene. She is always painting or drawing and has gone through many sketch books. I on the other hand enjoy to make crafts. Every Christmas family and friends receive a new tree ornament to add to their collection. This difference in creativity goes to show that everyone has a different way of viewing and creating things. 

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