Friday, February 11, 2011

Arts Explorer #4: Looking for Patterns In Urban Settings & Nature

This is a photo of an engraving of a church wall. I took this picture on a trip to New York. The church is called Saint Patrick's Cathedral and it is a popular tourist destination. Below is a link to their website as I would strongly recommend visiting it. I was so taken back by the detail and precision of the carving and the consistency of the pattern. The entire church was full of such amazing carving along all the walls and various patterning that was also seen on the stained glass windows. It is definitely a place for those who enjoy or appreciate fine detail and an interest in varying patterns.

Link to Saint Patrick's Cathedral

Definition of the week: Patterns
Schimmacher and Fox (2009) define pattern as
  • the treatment given to a surface
  • repitition
  • a reoccurring sequence
  • being created with forms, shapes, lines, colours, textures or symbols
Patterns can also have many different characteristics. They can be simple, irregular, symmetrical or asymmetrical, sequenced or alternating, etc. Experimenting with patterns with various materials, or even observing them through pictures, is a great math concept for children.

Schirrmacher, R., & Fox, J.E. (2009). Art and creative development for young children, sixth edition. Belmont, CA: Delmar

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